Zoho CRM vs HubSpot CRM Functionality

Below is a comparison of the key functionalities offered by Zoho CRM and HubSpot CRM. Both CRM platforms provide a range of features to help businesses manage leads, contacts, sales, and marketing efforts. Please note that the availability of certain features may vary based on the specific plans or editions of each CRM. It’s essential to review their official websites for the most up-to-date information on their functionalities and pricing.



Feature Zoho CRM HubSpot CRM
Lead Management Yes Yes
Contact Management Yes Yes
Account Management Yes Yes
Opportunity Management Yes Yes
Sales Automation Yes Yes
Email Integration Yes Yes
Marketing Automation Limited features available Extensive features available
Social Media Integration Yes Yes
Reporting and Analytics Yes Yes
Customization Highly customizable Limited customization options
Integrations Wide range of third-party integrations Extensive integrations with other tools
Mobile App Available for iOS and Android Available for iOS and Android
Pricing Various plans available Various plans available

Major Differences between Hubspot CRM and Zoho CRM


Feature Zoho CRM HubSpot CRM Difference
Marketing Automation Limited features available Extensive features available HubSpot offers a more robust marketing automation platform with a wide range of tools like workflows, lead nurturing, and advanced email marketing. Zoho CRM’s marketing automation capabilities are comparatively more basic.
AI-powered Assistant Zia, Zoho’s AI-powered sales assistant Not available Zoho CRM comes with an AI-powered assistant, Zia, which provides sales insights and assists with data analysis. HubSpot CRM doesn’t have a built-in AI assistant.
Customization Highly customizable Limited customization options Zoho CRM allows for more extensive customization to tailor the CRM to specific business needs, while HubSpot CRM has some customization capabilities, but they may be more limited in comparison.
E-commerce Integration Yes Yes Both CRMs support e-commerce integration, but the way they handle and integrate with e-commerce platforms may vary.
Multi-language Support Yes Yes Both CRMs offer support for multiple languages, making them suitable for international businesses.
Sales Forecasting Yes Yes Both CRMs allow for sales forecasting, helping businesses predict future sales performance based on historical data.
Support Ticketing Yes Yes Both CRMs have support ticketing features, allowing businesses to manage customer inquiries and issues efficiently.
AI-driven Insights Zoho CRM’s Zia provides sales insights HubSpot CRM doesn’t have built-in AI Zoho CRM’s AI-driven insights can provide sales teams with actionable information and recommendations, whereas HubSpot CRM lacks native AI capabilities for insights.
VoIP Integration Yes Yes Both CRMs can integrate with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems, allowing users to make calls directly from the CRM interface.
Social Media Monitoring Yes Yes Both CRMs offer social media monitoring tools to track brand mentions and engage with customers on social platforms.


Which is best?

Zoho CRM and HubSpot take distinct approaches to customer relationship management, each offering unique advantages. Zoho CRM presents a comprehensive suite of tools within an all-in-one environment, providing immediate access to everything needed to empower employees, gain customer insights, and create compelling ads.

On the other hand, HubSpot offers users greater flexibility in accessing features. The HubSpot CRM Starter Suite covers a diverse range of functionalities from sales to workflow automation. Moreover, users can selectively purchase services within specific “Hubs” to enhance their return on investment in various business areas.

For beginners in the CRM environment, Zoho proves to be more straightforward. Its neatly packaged solution suits companies with straightforward requirements. In contrast, HubSpot offers more customization options, though it entails a slightly steeper learning curve.

Both tools, however, share several core functionalities. With both Zoho and HubSpot, you can efficiently manage contacts, leads, and deals, while also utilizing advanced segmentation and workflow enhancement capabilities. Additionally, you’ll have access to various marketing and promotional tools, enabling your business to stand out from the competition effectively.